I have often heard from fresh Engineering graduates that they were unaware how important C is. C programming is the most important subject
whatsoever if you are studying Computer Engineering. Well, I agree that not everyone is interested to become a 'C Programmer' but it helps
me best to inculcate the habit of programming in students.
Course Offered
C++ is the next important step after C to switch the level of programming called as Object Oriented Programming.
I prefer students who have studied from C from me.
Course Offered
Data structures is another important and favourate topic of interviewers. I teach DS with C as per the standard Engineering syllabus.
It is very important to understand the basic of Data structures like List,Stack,Linked List,Binary Trees etc. Interviews sometimes go beyond
basic data structures in our cirriculum.
Course Offered
When it comes it Linux, the only reason to learn it as a student is because we have some or other practicals to be performed on it. No one
helps us understand why do we learn Linux and what are the advantages of it over other OS's.
There are four type of Linux users viz. System Admin, Network Admin, Developers, Users.
It is very rare that we find the forth category. Infact it is usually a subset of third category.
To become a System Admin/Network Admin it becomes mandatory to be a Red Hat certified.
I do not provide Red Hat certification neither I teach as per Red Hat syllabus.
I try to cater the third and forth category.
These days it becomes essential to know Linux as it gives you an edge over other candidates in the interview. Infact,
lot of requirement these days require even fresh candidates to know Linux. Let me know if you are interested, I'll share the syllabus if so.
Course Offered
There are few other subject pertaining to Computer/IT which I would love teaching so if you want me to know if I
would cater you requirement the contact me. There is a strict NO to theory subjects.
Course Offered
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From the past decade, it has become a trend to join coaching classes. Without a second thought we end up paying a handsome amount for our SSC and HSC+CET classes. Well, I will not comment if those are necessary or not. Its an individual's perspective and need. Just make sure we don't get dragged away with the wave.
Engineering seems to be a job promising field after clearing all the hurdles which we come across those 4 years. But, with so many quality students passing out every year it has not remained as easy as it used to be.
We should be up to the mark to clear the interviews. If we get placed in the campus selection then god has spared the hell out of us. Once we come into the market and try finding a job, it becomes very difficult. I don't say that there are no jobs, but we have to compete lot of candidates like us for every single job.
Hence, we must inculcate lot of skill within us which will give us an edge over the others and make our way easy. These skill include Technical, presentation, soft skills, Aptitude and Attitude.
Me being from a Computer Science background, will focus on the topics that will cover the most of the areas which seems to be necessary to crack the interviews of a wide range of companies.
As a fresher, every company looks for various aspects in a candidate as explained below.
i) Majority of companies have an aptitude test (Technical / analytical,quantitative) to filter out the candidates.
ii) In the interviews, they usually ask basics of various subjects (C,C++,Sql). Also, they ask you to write programs and explain the logic.
iii) Few, big companies target our Data structures, Algorithms and problem solving skills.
iv) Some have only aptitude and HR (They provide the technical trainings)
v) Companies dealing into consulting judge at our personality, soft skill and technical knowledge.
Nevertheless, asking question like "Write a C program to print your name without using a semicolon (;) ?" or "What is a nibble" is nothing new.
So, I feel, we must be prepared for all such interviews. Hence I have designed a syllabus which will ensure knowledge of various major computer science subjects.
Obviously all these cannot be taught in a month or so, it will take one full year to make you better.. :)
I know, the fees seems to be huge as compared to engineering classes, but 54 Weeks is not a short time though. There is a difference between writing answers from books and writing answers from what we have understood.. :D